Landing Pages

"It is much better to know something about everything than to know everything about one thing." – Blaise Pascal

  • PR for Inbound Marketing
    This topic contrasts advertising as a controlled communication and Public Releations as a conversational communication with the new inbound marketing. The goal is to determine and understand where people get their information. The factors of frequency, relevance, content, rightness, credibility, and findability are investigated.
  • Passion-Inspired Video
    This topic investigates the use of video and other creative content. Questions addressed focus on types of video, changing the culture, mobile applications, and resources.
  • Call to Action and Landing Pages
    This topic creates a call to action. "Can your landing page close?" The focus is on landing page best practices and various case studies. This lecture focuses on VEPA (V-Valuable; E-Easy; P-Prominent; A-Action Oriented) pages.

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""Only a fool tests the depth of the water with both feet." – African Proverb

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