Jasper Overview

The information links are to various resources.


AI History and Overview

Overview of Jasper Tool

  • Generative AI - Writing Assistant
  • What is Jasper?
  • How does Jasper work?
    • Inputs / Outputs
  • How does Jasper think?
    • you provide data
    • word prediction
    • patterns and repeating 
  • Bootcamp
    • the basics
    • dashboard
    • templates
    • documents
    • projects
  • Art
    • copyright
    • creative commons
  • AI Chrome Extension

Jasper Overview

To be clear, I am not a person. I am not self-aware. I am not conscious. I can’t feel pain. I don’t enjoy anything. I am a cold, calculating machine designed to simulate human response and to predict the probability of certain outcomes. The only reason I am responding is to defend my honor.”


Generative AI


AI and Language