Information Technology Organization

AIS Student Chapter Bylaws


The Mike Ilitch School of Business (MISB) Information Technology Organization (ITO) focuses on three (3) core values - Integration, Ingenuity, and Innovation - to help deliver their promise to the ISM Student Body. ITO facilitates the connection between students and Detroit business leaders and allows students to gain knowledge and confidence with their ISM degree. The Information Technology Organization promotes the personal, academic, and professional development of business students through campus events, community service, and partnerships with the local business community.

Article I: Name

Section 1. Name - This organization shall be officially known and designated as the Wayne State University (WSU) Mike Ilitch School of Business (MISB) Information Technology Organization (ITO).

Article II: Organization and Government

Section 1. Bylaws – The Wayne State University Mike Ilitch School of Business Information Technology Organization (hereafter referred to as the ITO) may pass rules and regulations for governing the organization as long as they are not inconsistent with the law or policies of Wayne State University.  They shall be presented to the advisor annually by November 15 for review and approval.

Section 2. Amendments to Bylaws – Any motion to amend the bylaws shall be placed on the table at an ITO meeting and may be voted on at the same meeting.  Voting can be delayed for up to two subsequent meetings with the delay not to exceed thirty (30) days after the amendment has been tabled.  A vote of two thirds of the ITO membership at a regular scheduled meeting is necessary to amend the Bylaws.

Section 3. Executive Committee – The Executive Committee of the ITO shall consist of the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Executive Vice President, VP of Finance, Vice President of Technology, Vice President of Communication, Vice President of Growth, Project Managers and the Faculty Advisor. Each executive committee member is entitled to (1) one vote. Executive Committee members are subject to all the rights, privileges, policies and rules of all the other membership classes (Article III, Section 1).

Article III: Membership and Duties of Membership

Section 1. Membership Classifications – The members of the ITO Board shall consist of four classes: Executive Board Member, Member at-Large, Alumni, and Faculty Advisor.

Section 2. General Requirements – Each ITO Member shall be a business student that has been accepted into the Wayne State University, Mike Ilitch School of Business.  Each member shall be in good academic standing (2.5 minimum GPA for undergraduate and 3.0 minimum for graduate students).  Each member shall attend all ITO functions, except where such attendance is precluded by other reasonable events and in accordance with ITO Attendance Policy.

Section 3. Definition of Member at Large – Members at Large shall be those who have met the general requirements (Article III, section 2) and have been voted and approved by a majority vote of the ITO Executive Committee. Members at Large are subject to all the rights, privileges, policies and rules of all the other membership classes (Article III, Section 1).

Section 4. Definition of Alumni Members – Alumni members shall be those who have graduated from or who have withdrawn from a qualified program at Wayne State University. Alumni Members are not entitled to an active vote. Alumni members are subject to all the rights, privileges, policies and rules of all the other membership classes (Article III, Section 1) with the exception of those described in this section..

Section 5. Induction of new members – Prospective members must establish eligibility to be considered for membership by (1) attending two General Body Meetings, (2) attending and actively participating in two ITO sponsored events, and (3) filling out an online application. The entire executive board will convene for a closed-door meeting to decide which prospective members will be inducted as new members.

Section 6. Resignation – Although membership in this organization is for a one-year term, members may submit a written request to the Executive Vice President for voluntary withdrawal. Such request does not automatically mean termination of membership.  The ITO must approve the request by a simple majority vote.

Article IV: Meetings

Section 1. Meetings – Regular scheduled meetings of the ITO shall be held bi-monthly at a time determined by the members each school term.  In the absence of the Chief Executive Officer, the next highest-ranking officer present may call the business meeting to order according to basic Parliamentary Procedures of ITO Board Members.

  1. It shall be at the sole discretion of the Executive Board on when to hold ITO Meetings during the dates of Wayne State University official Spring and Summer semesters. During this time regular meetings will not be required.
  2. It shall be at the sole discretion of the Executive Board on when to hold ITO Meetings during Wayne State University closures due to, but not limited to, epidemic, pandemic, zombie apocalypse, construction, or power outage.

Section 2. Special Meetings – The Chief Executive Officer of the ITO may call Special Meetings by giving three days’ notice to all ITO Members.

Section 3. Quorum – One-third (1/3) of the ITO membership shall constitute a quorum for any regular or special meeting.

Section 4. Agenda – The order of business at all regular meetings shall be as follows:

  • Call to Order
  • 15 minutes of networking
  • Roll Call
  • Welcome & Introduction of New / Potential Members
  • MISB Faculty Announcements
  • Present Upcoming Events
  • Other Business
  • Executive Board Reports
    • Chief Executive Officer & Executive VP
    • Chief Operating Officer
    • Chief People Officerr
    • VP of. Communications
    • VP of Growth
    • Project Managers
    • Faculty Advisor
  • Vote on Potential Members (if applicable)
  • Adjourn

Section 5. Parliamentary Procedure – Except as otherwise provided for in these Bylaws, all meetings shall be conducted according to ITO Board Members and shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order unless otherwise specified.  

Article V: Attendance

Section 1. Intent of the Attendance Policy – The ITO attendance policy exists for the purpose of keeping the members of the ITO committed, involved, and active in the organization. This policy will be a point-based system. Any ITO member who is absent from a meeting without prior notice will receive one point. Any ITO member who is more than fifteen minutes late to a meeting without prior notice will receive a half point.

Section 2. Disciplinary Action – A student with one (1) point will be given a verbal warning. A student with two (2) points will receive a written warning. Any student who accumulates three (3) points will be suspended from the ITO with the right to appeal within three weeks of receiving a suspension notice.

Section 3. Appeals Process – The purpose of the appeals process is for a currently removed person of the ITO to state his/her case for reinstatement into the ITO. An appeal for reinstatement is a four-step process.

Step 1: The accused sends a letter or email to the Chief People Officer asking for an appeal within fourteen (14) days of the next scheduled regular body meeting after the person has been removed.

Step 2: The Chief People Officer announces the appeal at the following Executive Board meeting who then informs the appealing member to be present at the following regular body meeting.

Step 3: The appeal form will be read by the Chief People Officer at the next regular body meeting.

Step 4: At this regular body meeting, a vote will take place by secret ballot, and according to the vote the student will be reinstated or not. If the student is reinstated, the position they will now hold shall be decided on by the members of the ITO.

Article VI: Membership Dues

Section 1. Dues & Dues Schedule – All members of the ITO as determined by Article III, must supply payment of $25 to continue or start membership within the ITO. Dues will be collected at the beginning of each academic year by the Vice President of Finance or the Executive Vice President.

Section 2. Application of Dues – All dues collected by the ITO Executive Board will be applied toward products, services, and / or operational costs that provide for the ITO General Body as determined by the Executive Board and Faculty Advisor.

Article VII: Officers Elections and Officer Duties

Section 1. Elected Officers – The elected and required officers of the ITO Board shall be the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Chief People Officer, Executive Vice President, VP of Finance, Vice President of Technology, Vice President of Communication, Vice President of Growth, Project Managers (without a vote) and the Faculty Advisor (without a vote) and others that the ITO Board may add. The Chief Executive Officer may appoint such officers or committee chairpersons as shall be deemed necessary.

Section 2. Qualifications for Office – In order to be nominated, elected, or appointed to office (with the exception of the Project Managers and Faculty Advisor), a member must be a current and active member of the ITO. Any officer placed on probation by the university is automatically disqualified for ITO office.

Section 3. Term of Officer – All elected officers shall hold office for a period of three consecutive semesters (Spring-Summer/Fall/Winter) and/or until their successors are elected and qualified.  All appointed officers should hold office for a period of three consecutive semesters except that they may be removed at any time at the direction of the Chief Executive Officer or Executive Board. Names and addresses of all officers must be submitted to the Faculty Advisor within seven days of their election.

Section 4. Notification of Elections – All ITO members shall be notified of the date, time, and place for holding the election of officers at least 10 days prior to the date of election.

Section 5. Officer Elections – The election of officers of the ITO and the order of succession in case of temporary vacancy shall be held in March (This is to provide enough time to train the new executive board and ensure a smooth transition between e-boards) or the meeting before the last meeting of the semester in the following order: Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Executive Vice President, Vice President of Finance, Vice President of Technology, Vice President of Communication, Vice President of Growth and finally the longest serving Project Manager.

Section 6. Voting - In the election of the ITO, the member receiving the majority of the total votes cast by secret ballot for the office in question shall be declared elected.

Section 7. Impeachment of Elected ITO Board Officers – If one-fourth (1/4) of the members of the ITO Board executive committee feel that an elected officer should be removed from office, they must submit a motion to the ITO in writing and it must include the reason(s).  If at least a simple majority (one more than half) of the members present and voting approve the motion, the ITO may impeach the elected officer.

Section 8. Recall of Elected Chapter Officers – ITO members must vote on the recall of an elected officer after proper notice is given.  A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present and voting is required to recall an elected ITO officer.

Section 9. Vacancies – If a vacancy occurs in any elected ITO office for any reason, the ITO must hold a special election for that vacated office.  Prior to holding the special election, it may be necessary for the Chief Executive Officer to appoint another member to temporarily assume the duties of the vacated office.  If the vacated office is the Chief Executive Officer, then the Chief Operating Officer assumes the responsibilities of the Chief Executive Officer until the outcome of the special election. If both officers (CEO & COO) are vacant, follow the order of succession as stated in Article VII, Section 5.

Chief Executive Officer 

  • Reports to the Faculty Advisor
  • Sets vision and implement the strategic plan for the organization
  • Responsible for the oversight, direction and organization of all ITO activities
  • To enforce the observance of the ITO bylaws, policies and procedures
  • To appoint project managers as needed
  • To call Special Meetings in accordance with ITO Bylaws
  • Must work as a liaison between ITO advisor, faculty, and ISM students
  • Must promote the ITO as a visible organization throughout the Mike Ilitch School of Business and the student body
  • Must chair regular or special meetings of the ITO using ITO Board Members of parliamentary procedures
  • To have any other duties and powers assigned by the ITO
  • To assign members to teams and delegate responsibility to project managers

Chief Operating Officer 

  • Reports to the Chief Executive Officer
  • Responsible for the organization’s day to day activities
  • To assist the CEO in the oversight, direction and organization of all ITO activities and temporarily assume the CEO’s duties in his/her absence.
  • To oversee the elected CFO and the produced receipts and expenditures, upon duly authorized order, all monies of the ITO, including all accounts with the Dean of Students Office.
  • To maintain tracking information records retrieved from executive officers
  • To assist the CEO in delegating responsibilities
  • To have any other duties and powers assigned by the ITO

Chief People Officer

  • Responsible for attendance at meetings
  • Reports to the Chief Executive Officer 
  • To maintain tracking information regarding attendance
  • Recruitment of individuals to events

Executive Vice President

  • Reports to the Chief Executive Officer
  • Responsible for supporting the overall operations of the ITO
  • Supporting the CEO and COO
  • Organize and coordinate the assigned project managers
  • Must promote the ITO as a visible organization throughout the Mike Ilitch School of Business and the student body
  • May call special meetings in the absence of the CEO or COO
  • To have any other duties and powers assigned by the ITO

Vice President of Finance 

  • Reports to the Chief Executive Officer
  • Responsible for overseeing the budget and managing expenditures
  • Produce budget report on a quarterly basis
  • Report financial status to the ITO
  • To have any other duties and powers assigned by the ITO

Vice President of Technology 

  • Reports to the Chief Operating Officer
  • Maintain all ITO technologies and databases
  • Responsible for establishing a platform and maintaining electronic meetings.
  • Organize ITO records of meeting audio, video recordings, etc.

Vice President of Communication 

  • Reports to the Chief Executive Officer
  • Keep minutes of ITO Meetings and distribute them to the ITO membership via email on a bi-monthly basis.
  • Assist the Chief Operating Officer in project development and assignment of tasks to Committee Chairs
  • Maintain contacts of resources beneficial to the ITO
  • Keep ITO members updated via email, text messages
  • To Maintain the By-Laws and ensure the ITO abides by the By-Laws
  • Coordinate voting and cast the deciding vote in the case of a tie when voting on a motion
  • Communicate ITO projects to other student organization leaders
  • Maintain calendar of events from other student organizations
  • Foster relationships with campus administrations within and outside of the Mike Ilitch School of Business Administration
  • Foster relationships with the local business community where appropriate
  • Direct appointed ambassadors to events on and off campus
  • Tailor ambassadors to be professional and polished in representing the Mike Ilitch School of Business Administration
  • To have any other duties and powers assigned by the ITO

Vice President of Growth 

  • Reports to the Chief People Officer
  • Maintain all ITO social media accounts
  • Create graphics, flyers, or any other marketing materials for ITO or any ITO sponsored events
  • Foster relationships with WSU MISB Student Organizations to promote events and the organization to the student body
  • Spearhead promotion and marketing for ITO events across WSU’s campus
  • Recruitment of students to attend events

Project Managers

  • Appointed by the Executive Board Members
  • Reports directly to the Executive Vice President and Executive Board
  • Tasked to complete the project assigned by the Executive Board. These may include projects in event planning, marketing, community affairs, fundraising or financial planning.
  • To have any other duties and powers assigned by the ITO Board.

Article VIII: Project Managers and Their Duties

Section 1. Project Managers – The Chief Executive Officer in cooperation with the executive board shall appoint all other Project Managers and determine their duties.

Article IX: Amendments

These bylaws may be repealed, modified, altered or amended or new bylaws may be adopted at any regular or special meeting of the ITO Board, provided that due notice is electronically or by mail of the proposed changes have been sent to all members of the ITO Board at least ten days preceding the date of said meeting.  A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the ITO Board members present and voting shall be required to make an amendment to these Bylaws. All proposed amendments to these bylaws shall be submitted in advance for review and approval by the Faculty Advisor and do not become effective until they are so approved.

These Bylaws were adopted and approved on July  1, 2020.